This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Exploring tabular data with R using a transcriptomic example dataset.

This lesson aims to develop useful and general data skills in R/tidyverse with a biology focus:

The story is based around a common situation in transcriptomic analysis. We are interested in a group of genes, and a published study has measured expression in conditions where expression of mRNA these genes might be interesting.

The example dataset measures gene expression by ribosome profiling in a model of cell growth and division in yeast: Translational control of lipogenic enzymes in the cell cycle of synchronous, growing yeast cells. Blank et al 2017.

We use tools from the tidyverse, which provides efficient and consistent tools for data wrangling, processing, and plotting.




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Before we start
00:00 2. Introduction to R
00:00 3. Data Manipulation with dplyr
01:30 4. Reshaping and Plotting data
01:30 5. Using RMarkdown How to write a lesson using RMarkdown?
01:42 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.