Edward W. J. Wallace

Group Leader
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Dr. Wallace is a Lecturer in RNA Systems Biology in the Institute of Cell Biology at the University of Edinburgh. He started the research group in 2018, supported by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from The Wellcome Trust and The Royal Society.

Before that, Dr. Wallace held a Marie Curie fellowship, also at The University of Edinburgh, working with Guido Sanguinetti and Jean Beggs on co-transcriptional splicing. He also pursued projects on regulation of protein synthesis and analysis of ribosome profiling data.

Dr. Wallace did his postdoctoral work with D. Allan Drummond, initially at Harvard University’s FAS Center for Systems Biology. He moved with the lab to the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Chicago, and added experimental capabilities to his computational training. There, he surveyed the heat-triggered movement of proteins into RNA-protein granules, and showed that these proteins are released without detectable degradation as cells recover from stress.

Dr. Wallace received his Ph.D. in Mathematics, also at the University of Chicago, in 2010, working with Jack Cowan on stochastic dynamics of biological networks. His PhD work led to a collaboration with the late Dan Gillespie – of stochastic simulation algorithm fame – addressing the derivation and scope of the “Linear Noise Approximation” for stochastic processes.

Alongside his research, Dr. Wallace is an open science advocate and teaches data literacy to scientists, working with Edinburgh Carpentries.


Improved gene editing and fluorescent-protein tagging in Aspergillus nidulans using a Golden Gate-based CRISPR-Cas9 plasmid system

Conserved signalling functions for Mps1, Mad1 and Mad2 in the Cryptococcus neoformans spindle checkpoint

Transcriptome-wide mRNA condensation precedes stress granule formation and excludes stress-induced transcripts

PREPRINT: The type of carbon source not the growth rate it supports can determine diauxie

PREPRINT: A trade-off between proliferation and defense in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus at alkaline pH is controlled by the transcription factor GAT201

Evolutionary principles underpinning codon usage bias: patterns, functions, and mechanisms

Not all exons are protein coding: Addressing a common misconception

choros: correction of sequence-based biases for accurate quantification of ribosome profiling data

tidyqpcr: Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse

PREPRINT: Limitations of composability of cis-regulatory elements in messenger RNA

riboviz 2: A flexible and robust ribosome profiling data analysis and visualization workflow

Post-transcriptional control of fungal cell wall synthesis

The benefits of an open-science approach in student research projects

Yeast Ssd1 is a non-enzymatic member of the RNase II family with an alternative RNA recognition interface

Using prototyping to choose a bioinformatics workflow management system

Repeated evolution of inactive pseudonucleases in a fungal branch of the Dis3/RNase II family of nucleases

Daily cycles of reversible protein condensation in cyanobacteria

Quantitative global studies reveal differential translational control by start codon context across the fungal kingdom

riboviz: analysis and visualization of ribosome profiling datasets.

Extremely fast and incredibly close: co-transcriptional splicing in budding yeast

Reversible, specific, active aggregates of endogenous proteins assemble upon heat stress

Dying mRNA tells a story of its life

A nutrient-driven tRNA modification alters translational fidelity and genome-wide protein coding across an animal genus

A Model for the Evolution of Biological Specificity: a Cross-Reacting DNA-Binding Protein Causes Plasmid Incompatibility

Estimating selection on synonymous codon usage from noisy experimental data


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