Dr. Weronika Danecka
03 May 2024 by ew

Dr. Weronika Danecka defended her PhD viva! Congratulations Weronika!!!

Thanks also to examiners Greg Kudla, Jane Usher, and André Gerber.

End of Sir Henry Dale Fellowship
19 Jan 2024 by ew

The Wellcome / Royal Society Fellowship that funded research in our group for 6 years, has now ended.

Edward has been appointed a Lecturer in RNA Systems Biology.

Fungi Sessions vol 1
19 Oct 2023 by ew

New music inspired by our work, The Fungi Sessions Vol.1.

This was a beautiful collaboration with musician Hannah Read, whose father Nick Read was a leading mycologist.

What is an exon?
12 Apr 2023 by ew
Dr. Sam Haynes
26 Jan 2023 by ew

Dr. Sam Haynes defended his PhD viva! Congratulations Sam!!! The first PhD student to graduate from the lab, a huge milestone, and a very nicely written PhD thesis. Thanks also to examiners Diego Oyarzun and Julien Gagneur.

Farewell Jing Qi, Welcome Eleanor and Marcos
26 May 2022 by ew

Farewell Jing Qi Chong, who is moving on after doing a very nice Honours project analysing data on RNA-binding proteins.

Welcome to Eleanor Donohoe and Marcos Bermejo, who are both working on MSc Bioinformatics projects related to riboviz ribosome profiling data analysis.

Welcome Domenico
04 Apr 2022 by ew

Welcome to Domenico, who is joining us to work on a PhD project joint with Ken Sawin, looking at post-transcriptional control in filamentous fungi.

Review paper on control of cell walls
12 Jan 2022 by ew
Farewell Flic
17 Dec 2021 by ew

Flic is leaving the lab after 2.5 years! Flic has worked on riboviz bioinformatics, directly supervised several student projects, taught data skills as a Carpentries instructor, including with Ed-DaSH.

Flic’s next step is a PhD studying research software practice at epcc. We will miss her, but she will not be far away.

Farewell Emma and Sophie
25 Sep 2021 by ew

Emma and Sophie are moving on, both to study for MSc in Bioinformatics. Emma and Sophie have had synchronized stints in the lab, first as honours project students, then as bioinformatics RAs working on riboviz.

Preprint on combining regulatory elements
13 Aug 2021 by ew
Alternative RNA recognition by the Ssd1 RNA-binding protein
24 Jul 2021 by ew

Our paper on Ssd1 structure and function is published at Nucleic Acids Research!.

The review process was rewarding, and led to some new experiments where we map a change in the RNA-binding site of the Ssd1 protein.

Workflows paper accepted
25 Feb 2021 by ew
Welcoming new lab members for 2021
18 Jan 2021 by ew

Welcome to: Louis Headley, a joint PhD student with Ramon Grima; Aphena Huang, Emma Mackenzie, Paddy Harker, and Sophie Winterbourne for their undergraduate honours projects.

Farewell to Jamie Auxillos, who is moving to a new postdoc position in Denmark!

Evolution of the Ssd1 pseudonuclease
02 Jan 2021 by ew

Happy New Year! Our paper on evolution of the Ssd1 RNA-binding protein has been accepted!

This paper describes a change in protein function over evolutionary time: we show that ancestors of yeast Ssd1 were RNases related to Dis3L2, and that the nuclease activity has been lost repeatedly during fungal evolution.

Working with the Software Sustainability Institute
09 Dec 2020 by ew
tidyqpcr - Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse.
30 Oct 2020 by ew

We’re working on an open-source R package for qPCR analysis, built on tools from the tidyverse. Check out our fully documented code on tidyqpcr github .

Please try it, and get in touch with questions - we’re doing user interviews to find out what features people need, so you can volunteer for that too.

Preprints on the Ssd1 RNA-binding protein
22 Oct 2020 by ew

We have posted two new bioRxiv preprints about the Ssd1 RNA-binding protein.

One covers Ssd1 evolution.

The second addresses Ssd1 structure and function.

These both come out of a great collaboration with Atlanta Cook, also with Liz Ballou on evolution and conservation, and David Tollervey and Stefan Bresson on structure and function.

New paper on protein synthesis in fungi
05 Feb 2020 by ew
PhD opportunities on RNA and environmental sensing
26 Nov 2019 by ew
Welcome new lab members
26 Sep 2019 by ew

So much has happened in the lab that we were distracted from updating the website!

We had great undegraduate honours students Savvas and Abhi.

Welcome to new lab members Flic, Liz, Weronika, and Marah!

PhD opportunities on RNA and fungal adaptation
19 Nov 2018 by ew

We have multiple opportunities for PhD projects for October 2019 start!

Updated with a new big data and big experiments project, joint with Vicent Pelechano in Stockholm.

Details here.

Welcome Sam Haynes
01 Oct 2018 by ew

Welcome new PhD student Sam Haynes!

Sam joins us from a degree in physics, having discovered an unusual young star for his masters’ project. Sam also completed an intensive Chinese language scholarship at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Sam will be working on quantifying multi-omics data.

Welcome Laura Tuck
06 Aug 2018 by ew

Welcome new post-doctoral research associate Dr. Laura Tuck!

Laura joins us having recently finished her PhD, and will be working on reporter gene systems in Cryptococcus neoformans.

Welcome undergrad student Aliaksandr Damenikan
18 Jun 2018 by ew

Welcome new Darwin Trust scholarship undergraduate Aliaksandr Damenikan!

PhD opportunity on machine learning of multi-omics data
07 Jun 2018 by ew

We are advertise a BBSRC/EASTBIO PhD project on Machine Learning of multi-omics data.

Update: this deadline has now passed, but please get in touch if you’re interested in PhD opportunities.

Details here.

Welcome lab manager Rosey Bayne
01 May 2018 by ew

Welcome new lab manager / post-doctoral research associate Dr. Rosey Bayne!

Rosey is an unusual polymath of a scientist, with decades of lab experience with diverse organisms, dozens of papers, and a MSc. from Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Computing. We’re very excited to have her on the team!

Come work on RNA Systems Biology of Fungi
17 Jan 2018 by ew

Applications are invited for an enthusiastic and motivated experimental biologist to join the Wallace group at Edinburgh’s Institute for Cell Biology. The group’s research is at the intersection of RNA biology, systems biology, and fungal pathogenesis, with heavy use of high-throughput sequencing and increasing use of synthetic biology. Applicants should have a PhD or relevant experience.

Application and more details here.

Update: this position has been filled. If you’re interested in working with us, send an email!

New Lab Website
13 Dec 2017 by ew

New lab website is being set up!